


Use VR PRINTER to prepare medical data for your 3D printing project. This product USES virtual reality technology to prepare medical 3D data in a completely immersive 3D space, which will provide you with better and more accurate results while providing you with higher efficiency.

Processing 3D medical data using traditional 2D computer screens can be time-consuming and complex. You have to work with various 3D axes on a 2D screen and try to segment and cut areas of interest in the most accurate way possible.

VR PRINTER is quick and easy to use. Load your 3D DICOM data into a VR PRINTER product in a few seconds and immediately start processing 3D data in a 3D environment. Use a variety of tools to cut, filter and segment. The results can be exported to a high-resolution 3D MESH file with one click, and can be printed on a 3D printer.

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